Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Cold sore or herpes or pimple?

Ok this morning I woke up with a white head on my lip like a pimple so the day progresses and I pick at it and scratch it and now it looks like a scab or a small cold sore what is it? It was popable before?Cold sore or herpes or pimple?
You probably did have a small pimple on the lipline. Picking at it wasn't the best idea, but that's small comfort now. For starters, keep your hands off it. Your skin won't appreciate the help, and doesn't need it. If it's a cold sore, there are over the counter preps that can make it more comfortable in the meantime. A pimple will go away on it's own in a few days, if you leave in peace. A cold sore can take several weeks. It sounds more like a zit, though. Just keep your skin clean, and your hands off it. You can use any acne gel you like, or a drop of tea tree oil if you have it. Mostly, just leave it in peace.Cold sore or herpes or pimple?
Sounds like herpes simplex,a cold sore. Take lysine 500 mg. go by the directions on the back of the bottle. It's very inexpensive,but will ward off these pesky things. You sound like you're defiecient in amino acids. Cold sores are an indicator of what's going on in the gut. You also need a good pro-biotic to get the gut in balance.

Dr.Ohhira's Probiotics

Health %26amp; Wellness Products-Probiotics

All of the above?

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