Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I got my ear peirced about a month ago and there is a bump that makes you think its a pimple at first but it?

the weird bump came after 2wks of getting my ear peirced. it next to the hole. my sis went through the same thing and we went to our country and our aunt did something and ut sme ink stuff and after that it was gone. i dont know what that was. but she asked the people at the place and they said to put bayer aspirin as paste and it should bring it down. what should i do???I got my ear peirced about a month ago and there is a bump that makes you think its a pimple at first but it?
What's This Bump on My Piercing?

There are three basic types of ';bump'; that may form near or on a piercing. Follicular cysts, keloids, and abscesses are all caused by different things. If you can determine what the bump is and what caused it to appear, then you can make a plan to get rid of it.

Gotham Body Piercing's piercers have compiled the following methods that many piercees have used to successfully get rid of the bump on their piercing. While we can't offer any recommendations, we hope that these suggestions are helpful to you.

Remember that these are only suggestions and some or none of these might be effective for you. Some of these methods are quite strong. Always try the gentlest method first, and only try the stronger methods as a last resort. Try just one method at a time, and keep at it for at least a week to see how it's working. Please stay in touch with your piercer so that s/he can check up on your progress and perhaps offer assistance.

Follicular Cysts

...have a serious-sounding name, but they're usually nothing more than an obstruction [a hair or some dead skin cells] inside the piercing that causes lymph to gather, forming a liquid-filled bump. The area may be reddish and tender and may bleed a little bit. Follicular cysts are somewhat more common in tragus, eyebrow, and nostril piercings. To help get rid of them:

Change the jewelry. Rings that are too tight may cause pressure, especially after the piercing has begun to swell. Rings that are too large in diameter may catch on clothing and towels, irritating the area. If fluid is trapped in the piercing, downsizing the gauge may be appropriate. Sometimes it's appropriate to switch to a different style of jewelry--like a ring instead of a nostril screw, or an L-bar instead of a ring. Be sure to consult with your piercer so that together you can choose appropriate jewelry that will speed healing.

Hot sea salt soaks may help draw out the obstruction, especially if there is a small hair caught in your eyebrow piercing! Soaks can also soothe the area and help drain fluids.

Hydrogen Peroxide, especially in gel form, have proven very helpful in removing dead tissue and fluids from follicular cysts, especially with nostril and tragus piercings.


are large, growing, very painful swellings, under or behind the piercing rather than right next to it. Infectious fluid has become trapped in the piercing, usually a nipple or earlobe; there is little or no drainage from the piercing. You may want to try:

Downsizing the gauge or decreasing excessive weight from the jewelry to encourage fluid drainage. Remember to consult with your piercer before changing the jewelry.

Herbal compresses have been very effective for some piercees. If you don't see immediate results, though, call a piercing aware physician. Don't delay a doctor's visit if you suspect an abscess--they're potentially very serious. Fortunately they're not common.

You can avoid abscesses by:

Piercing with jewelry that's not too heavy, too thick, or too large in diameter.

Not stretching, playing with, or removing a piercing too soon.

Being very careful with multiple piercings or repiercings, particularly second nipple piercings.


are excess scar tissue growth formed as a callous by the body to protect the piercing from uncomfortable friction. Piercees with more skin pigment may be at a slightly higher risk of developing keloids, but if the piercing is well cared for, the risk will diminish. These bumps are most common with nipple, ear cartilage, navel, oral, and some genital piercings. They can be difficult to get rid of, so it's best to avoid circumstances that encourage keloid development.

Keloids are usually caused by:

Tight, restrictive, or rough clothing that rubs against the piercing.

Inappropriate jewelry thickness, diameter, or style

Poor placement of the piercing [too deep, too shallow, or crooked]

To get rid of keloids:

Watch out for bedding, clothing, towels, helmets, hairbrushes, and other sources of friction.

Placement and jewelry should be well matched. If necessary, have your piercer change the jewelry or repierce.

Try the following methods in the order that they appear. Aspirin is especially effective for oral piercings. Remember that keloids are usually a symptom rather than the source of a problem. They won't go away unless you resolve the original problem, be it friction, jewelry, or placement.


Soaking the area in clean warm water [as warm as is comfortably possible], or applying warm compresses [clean gauze or wet paper towel] for 15 minutes at a time a few times daily can help to soothe and soften the skin and draw out wastes. Many piercees add 1/4 tsp sea salt for additional effect; epsom and table sales are not appropriate substitutes, and it's important that the solution should be no saltier than your own tears. using too much salt, oversoaking, or substituting other kinds of salt may dry out the skin.

Herbal Compress:

Mix equal parts of echinacea, goldenseal, comfrey, and chamomile tea with 1 teaspoon of sea salt. Brew a strong and hot tea [infusion]. Using a clean cloth, apply the strained infusion gently but firmly against the area. Between applications, turn the ring to coax out fluids. Do this for 10-15 minutes, twice daily. You may see results by the second or third application.

Hydrogen Peroxide:

Using a Q-tip, apply a small amount of liquid or gel hydrogen peroxide to the bump and turn the jewelry just slightly to get the peroxide to the base. This may help dissolve the dead cells and wash away fluids. Depending upon your skin sensitivity, this treatment may be used anywhere from twice weekly to twice daily, for 10-15 minutes per application. As with any of these treatments, start slowly and see what works best for you.

Tea Tree Oil/Grapefruit Seed Extract:

Tea tree oil, like grapefruit seed extract, can be an effective natural alternative, but many piercees find it to be too strong and very drying, even when diluted. Apply a small amount to the area, rotating the jewelry to bring some oil into the piercing. Do not rinse. Apply no more than twice daily; less if you are sensitive.

Hydrocortisone Cream:

Non-prescription strength cortisone cream can be very effective in reducing bumps. If you are immune suppressed or have a weakened immune system, be sure to consult a physician before using this steroid. Very sensitive piercees should avoid this product altogether, as reactions are common. Apply a small amount to the area, rotating the jewelry to bring some of the cream into the piercing. Do not rinse. Do not apply more than twice daily, a few times a week.


This method is most commonly and effectively used on oral keloids. If you are allergic to aspirin, do not try this method. Wet an aspirin or a small piece of aspirin, and place it directly on the bump for 5-10 minutes, depending upon your skin's sensitivity. This will literally burn the bump off; as this method is so strong, don't use it more than once a day three times a week. If your skin begins to chap or feel sore, discontinue and return to a gentler method.

This is from http://www.gothamworld.com/whatisthisbum鈥?/a>

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