Monday, November 21, 2011

My 2 year old woke up with a pimple on the side of his mouth, why is this happening so early?

pimples can be caused by many things. Not just hormones. Remember a pimple is dirt in a pore. Just keep his face clean.My 2 year old woke up with a pimple on the side of his mouth, why is this happening so early?
I got one on my nose when I was 5 or so. It just means that the pore was clogged by dirt. His face just needs to be washed more often or scrubbed a little better when he's in the tub. That's all.My 2 year old woke up with a pimple on the side of his mouth, why is this happening so early?
sometimes kids can get what is called baby acne. . .

check out the link below
My 7 month and my 5 year old get the odd pimple every now and then.
Are you sure its a pimple and not a fever blister? Fever blisters form on the side of the mouth from stress and some other things.
When my daughter was about the same age the pimple turned out to be 'impetigo', which you can look up online. It's a small redish sore that quickly turned from pimple-like to a sore. Doctor gave us topical ointment and had to wash it several times a day with dial anti-bacterial soap. Common in kids.
Are you sure it's not an ant bite? I know when I get bit by ants my skin has that kind of reaction. Otherwise it could just be a skin reaction to something else.
It could be a bug bite. It could be the beginning of an abscess. It could be a cold sore. It could be indian fire (impetigo.) Don't pop it. It could spread.

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