Monday, August 23, 2010

Hi, I have a little pimple like blister on the heal of my palm, I popped it and some c;ear stuff came out?

I was gardening, so I may have poked my hand, anyone else had thisHi, I have a little pimple like blister on the heal of my palm, I popped it and some c;ear stuff came out?
blisterHi, I have a little pimple like blister on the heal of my palm, I popped it and some c;ear stuff came out?
no. it sounds like a small infection.

soak the sore in hot (don't burn yourself) water with about a teaspoon of table salt mixed in.

it will be gone in one day.

if it stays open and is still hurting, soak it two times a day until it is gone (should take about 3 days maximum)

and if it stays open but is not infected, cover it with a bandaid and KEEP IT DRY so it will heal.
It was a blister.
this has happened to me before but it was on my finger from writing?

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